
an experiment in communication....for family and friends of our blog to "keep in touch" and provide pictures and information about the latest and greatest adventures of Eickhaus. Also see http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/person.aspx?tid=831833&pid=-2042210641&pg=0

Friday, August 04, 2006

A Dark & Stormy Night

Last night it rained a ton, creating street flooding and turning sidewalks into streams.

Lightning flashed all around, as it often does here during summer monsoon season.

Into this storm I ran, leaving our Home Care/Bible Study meeting....and then I fell, crashing through riverock landscaping and sliding along the sidewalk. So much for trying to get to the car quickly to stay dry...

After getting up, and pulling myself together, I noticed I had one finger on my right hand bleeding profusely, and another on my left hand bent at strange angles. Ouch!

I returned into the house, at the urging of my beautiful wife, a true helpmate...anyway, by God's Grace we have two doctors in our Bible study, who quickly rendered aide and helped me get x-rays and took me to another wonderful retired orthopedist who stabilized my hand for the night, saving me an expensive trip to the ER.

Long story short, I broke at least one finger in 6 places when I landed on it.. I am scheduled to see a hand surgeon this afternoon. Thanks in advance for your prayers...I will update with my hunt and peck skills of one hand sometime this weekend....


Blogger Sally Datria said...

OUCH!!! I broke my thumb once in ONE place and that hurt bad enough!! I hope one of those dr friends of yours gave you some good drugs!!!

Praying for quick healing!!

5:02 PM  

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