New lessons

Patience, humility, accepting kindness...all things I am learning since being "cast" in a different role...that of one who has been injured and is, temporarily, disabled.
Yesterday I went back to the doc, and he removed my first cast. There were a lot of "hmmms" and some more x-rays. He then said, "well, it's not perfect, but it is healing..." The decision was made to wait two more weeks before deciding whether or not surgery will be needed. So I was recast in a red cast, this time with my two end fingers at a 90 degree angle to my palm. A little uncomfortable, but I am getting used to it. I have been given strict iunstructions not to lift anything or put any strain on my left hand.
So, my yard has been growing for two weeks (I had planned to mow it the day after the accident, but that plan quickly was washed up.) It has rained several times in two weeks, so it had gotten very tall. Lori decided it was time for her to learn to mow the yard. (We debated this a bit, and naturally, I lost.)
A simple task, you say...well, yes, in theory, but it required a bit more than she expected.
We worked together to get the beast, I mean mower, started. Then she was off. Of course, she did a pretty fine job. But, we decided that next week we'll hire the neighbor kid!
So, I being replaced, one way or another. Temporarily, I hope. I enjoy mowing my yard on a cool Saturday morning. Of course, there's always blog writing I can do instead!
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