
an experiment in communication....for family and friends of our blog to "keep in touch" and provide pictures and information about the latest and greatest adventures of Eickhaus. Also see http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/person.aspx?tid=831833&pid=-2042210641&pg=0

Friday, August 25, 2006

Finger progress

Good news! Thanks to lots of prayers and good care from the very moment of my accident, things are improving all over.
Had the hand looked at again today, and the hand orthopedist decided to go to a splint for the next month, with physical therapy twice a week until the end of September. It is a releif to get out of the cast, although I am still typing one handed.

Finally, the school year has gotten off to a great start, too! I have a fantastic class; perhaps the best I have in several years, and only 22 of them! Yea!


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