Labor Day Joys

What a terrific weekend! Too bad they aren't all 3 days long!
We were able to enjoy the balloon glow last night, and woke up to the balloons overhead this morning. Each year, the balloon festival signals the true end of summer for those of us in Colorado Springs. And, each year, the balloons drift near our home, and the kids get up early to see them. One landed in the field just east of our home. Then we drove about a mile west to Venetucci's Farm to watch several of them land. It is so beautiful, and fun to watch!
Then we took the kids on a 30 minute road trip down to Happy Apple Farm in Penrose to pick our annual fall apple supply. The kids and Lori picked 16 lbs. of apples - four different varieties! So, I know I'll be packing an apple each in my lunch for the next several weeks!
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