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Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Long Goodbye

As most of my reader probably know by now, last Monday night, after another lengthy school board meeting, members read prepared statements on a motion to close our school. So now, after 10 weeks, it has become official. Cheyenne Mountains central elementary school, Canon, arguably the heart of flagship elementary of the district, is to close. It is to be closed at the end of next school year, after 55 years service to the neighborhood and community.

The staff, students, parents and alumni of Canon were all heartbroken at this news. The parents are left wondering if they should stay another year, or move their children to another school of their choice before they are all filed up. The non-probationary staff are wondering similar things about whether or not to take positions elsewhere should they become available. Or should we all wait until next year for the district to place us wherever they want us? The probationary teachers with less than two years experience so far in D-12, well, they are all going to need to move on, with a doubt.

New schools, new grade levels, new rooms, new ways of doing things...all pretty nerve racking to someone like me, who has been in one building for 14 years, and in one room for 8. But then, on the other hand, I have been pretty lucky. I have been blessed to be part of the Canon community all this time, and to have had my children attend school there. In fact, our friends and colleagues at Canon are like family. They have helped to raise my two kids, and many have been by my side from the time we moved here. They have become our family. From building our first house, to the birth of my children; from earning my Master's Degree, to the death of my in-laws and my own father, they have stood by us. From funny moments and award ceremonies to difficult parents, and challenging classes, these people in the Canon community have held us up and helped us celebrate and respected us as we mourned. It will be hard to leave a team and a place like this behind.

The questions is, how did a district like Cheyenne Mountain, top rated in the state and country, get to this place? Declining elementary enrollment alone did not get us here. State and local budget constraints alone did not get us here. Politics? Recession? State Funding Formulas? No, any single factor would not have hurt us so much. There remains to be seen what the outcome will be, or what factors history will blame for this dramatic change in our little school district.

In the meantime, there are 5 other elementary schools where I might land. However, I am not prepared to go anywhere, just yet. I want to see how this all ends, and be faithful to my school and the parents, many of whom have asked it I will be there next year for their children. I am waiting to see what God has in store, because I know His plans are far beyond what I can see or imagine right now.


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