Blizzard!!!!...or the wonderful world of weather...

Looking to the west out the front of our house The patio and the apple tree...I've been shaking it off every hour, hoping not to lose branches!
As many of you ( especially those here in Colorado!) probably know, the weather in Colorado can provide a bit a of an adventure almost anytime. And this time, we got almost 24 hours warning that this was coming. It started rainign about 3 a.m. , and then snowing here about 6 a.m., and is not expected to stop before 6 p.m. And it is very windy. Schools, courts, buses, malls and most other businesses have closed for the day. A few neighborhoods have lost power due to branches overhanging powerlines. People are urged to stay indoors. Although it is not too cold, about 30 degrees F or so, the 50+ mph winds make it closer to zero, and the snow is often white out conditions. Thus, the term blizzard appropriately applies to our weather today up and down the front range from WY to NM.
We are staying inside, where it is warm and dry. I have been out to shovel, about 9 a.m., and already found 8-10 inches of snow, not including where it has drifted. Lori's cousins, Debbie & Garth, called at 10 a.m. to say they had lost power, but they're okay. Hoepfully they'll have it back before tonight. The adventure continues...
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