Do You Really Believe That What You Believe is Really Real?

Today, before the sun was up, we drove up to Focus on the Family. There we joined about 34,000 other people from around the country going through training to be small group leaders for the Truth Project. The seminar was video simulcast from here to over 100 other locations in North America, including one in PEI, one in Alaska, and one in the Bahamas. This was an exciting, inspirational and intriguing way to spend a Saturday. We can't wait to see what develops and what God does as we put our group together after the holidays.

Del Tackett, the primary instructor in the Truth Project series, is an amazing speaker. We thoroughly enjoyed his talks, and are excited to share the videos and lessons of the Truth Project with others in our family and community. Watch this website after Christmas for details!
Labels: Christ follwer, Christian, God, science, small group, social order, teaching, Truth, Truth Project
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