We saw a chance to help our kids appreciate and understand the campaign and election process yesterday, when John McCain and Sarah Palin came to town. We waited in line for almost an hour to get in through security, and took our place on the tarmac at the airport with about 12,000 other people. It was sunny and warm ( actually, hot...whew!) and we waited from 11- 12:30 for the candidates to appear in the jet center hanger in front of us. When they finally did show up, 30 minutes late, we couldn't really even see them from where we were. However, the experience was inspiring, just to see that many people come together on short notice to support common values, express hopes and reaffirm beliefs. It was interesting to listen to people in line talk about what they were there for, and how, for many of them, adding Palin to the ticket swayed them to have hope for the leadership and future of our country again.

The airplane picture was taken before the rally began. The others were taken during the rally. You can see how far we were from the actually podium, and we thought we had gotten there fairly early. We learned others had been there since 6 a.m!
We know of course, that ultimately, what happens to America is not in the hands of its leaders or the people, but in God's hands. And we thank Him for that! And we pray for him to continue to bless and protect our nation for another generation.
Labels: America, Campaign, Colorado Springs, Flag, GOP
That's so cool you got to go to a McCain rally! Good for you that you went. I don't know if they'll be any rallies here being that California is a solid blue state.
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