
an experiment in communication....for family and friends of our blog to "keep in touch" and provide pictures and information about the latest and greatest adventures of Eickhaus. Also see http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/person.aspx?tid=831833&pid=-2042210641&pg=0

Friday, January 21, 2022

I Am From

I Am From…” by David Eick I am from orange groves disappearing beneath urban sprawl, paved over and built upon soon after I came to be. I am from cinderblock fences, stucco houses, and postage stamp yards, fruit trees sprinked as far as the eye can see. I am from a school yard, park, and grandparents house all within walking distance. Home before dark. I am from the ‘hood west of a traffic circle, no, a plaza extending from a fountain With trees from ‘round the world, and people from as far as can be imagined. Hard working and proud, building a quaint town between river and hills, Out of the dust of the coastal plain. I am from Conrad, aerospace technician, proud Marine, a DIYer who never met a repair he wouldn’t tackle; or person he wouldn’t help at a moments notice; Fear of failure wasn’t in his thinking. And from Betty, who never wrote what could be typed, Who crocheted and donated 10,000 things, Whose “fits” never stopped her bike wheels from turning, and who’s unwavering faith in Christ brought me to be. I am from a hundred heartaches And a thousand adventures. Road trips, camping trips, and tractors. Dust bowl, disasters and unexpected miracles. Faded musicians and mud covered boots Cows, pigs and chickens weren’t far from my roots I am from lonely roads, Long walks across the tracks to school Bike paths to the beach starting below the Big A I am from rose bushes, Disney fireworks, and “225” freeways, Buried cousins, and lost family ties, which I seek in all my spare time. I am from those moments-- snapped before I budded-- leaf-fall from the family tree.


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