'Twas the Night after Christmas (or three)

Here is our home last night with some of our Christmas lights, and the snow we got yesterday. It has continued to snow on and off today, and they are now calling it a blizzard (again!) That makes two weeks in a row we have had a significant snow event, and believe it or not, that is unusual for Colorado Springs. It is not expected to stop until late tomorrow. At least it is beautiful!
We made a run to the store yesterday for a few items ( and so did everyone else). Lori waited in line about 15 mintues just to buy some potoatoes so we could enjoy some warm ham and potato soup.
We have been enjoying time with "Grandma Becky", playing in the snow and drinking hot chocolate! Wesley is learning to knit from Becky, and he says she should be a teacher at a knitting school. Anna has been crafting too. Today the Christmas tree (inside) came down (for lack of being able to go out and go anyplace, and because it was way too dry!) , but it may be a while before the outside lights come down. Besides, they look nice in the snow!
David has been out shoveling, along with Lori, although we do not know why. ( Could it be to get out of the house for a moment?) The snow blows back over the driveway and sidewalks almost imeadiately after it is shoveled under the current conditions. Not too fun! But, the sun will come out ( tomorrow?) or the next day, and there will be great fun playing in the snow!