
an experiment in communication....for family and friends of our blog to "keep in touch" and provide pictures and information about the latest and greatest adventures of Eickhaus. Also see http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/person.aspx?tid=831833&pid=-2042210641&pg=0

Sunday, December 16, 2007

God, Where is your Favor?


What a week! Of course, you no doubt know about the YWAM and New Life Church shootings which rocked Colorado and Colorado Springs last Sunday. We have several friends who attend New Life, and our church sponsors several YWAM missionaries.

In the wake of it all, and in the midst of my own personal grieving over the loss of my Dad, I felt overwhelmed. I had no energy to even fathom that this could really have happened in my city. How on earth could we be living in a time, in America, no less, when random Christians would be killed at church just for being Christians??? I mean, I have just gotten used to the idea that I could be killed at school/work...now this?

Almost in answer to this question, (which I know many have asked this week) our pastor's sermon series on "Christmas shopping" seemed to provide a much needed reminder. Pastor Matt reminded us that, of course, God was not taken by surprise last week. And He is there with all those who are hurting. May God comfort those in the families who lost children, especially the family who lost two teenage daughters.

So, where is God's favor? Did I miss something? Has it changed?

Matt went on to lead us in reflecting on the fact that God's favor IS with men. Luke 2:14 says " Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rest."

He reminded us that our role is engaging with God's favor, and that we must remember to respond to His favor. (Eph. 2:8-9 & Romans 8:1-2) It is not and cannot be earned, but simply something we must accept. "there is an enormous difference between pleasing God and hoping to earn his favor. The latter simply cannot be done, but fortunately, the Father has already bestowed His favor on us.

God's role is one of redemption, but not exemption from the pains of this fallen world. We are blessed, because of His favor, to have redemption for our past ( Isaiah 1;27) , redemption for today, and redemption in the future, restoring us to a right and complete realtionship with Him. Ephesians 1:13-14, I Peter 4:12-13, and John 16:33 remind us of this.

So, as hard as this past week has been, I can say with confidence that God's favor is still with all mankind. And, no matter how hard the weeks ahead may be, I can rest in the knowledge that He is still for me. And, despite the hardships and pain, God will bring good from these circumstances. I just hope I have my eyes open (both my "heart eyes and my real ones!) so that I can see it!

May you have a peaceful week responding to the favor of God.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

A beautiful snowy Saturday

Today is a beautiful, snowy Saturday. It is the third time we've had snow this fall. Anna had eight concerts last week, and was going with the Cheyenne Mountain Celebration Singers (aka "honor choir") to the Air Force Academy this afternoon to sing the National Anthem before their basket ball game. However, we just got a call at noon that that has been canceled due to treacherous driving conditions. Last night they sang at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in 30 degree temperatures and freezing fog. We went along, and enjoyed the outdoor concert depsite the cold. We saw a few animals enjoying the winter conditions, too.

It has been six weeks since we last saw my Dad, and it was a beautiful sunny Saturday, the kind we describe as "the warm before a storm." We had our first snowfall the next day.

This past week, we moved several pieces of furniture from his house to ours, and I sold a couple of his shop tools to a friend. So, the practical work of sorting, cleaning up, and disposing of Dad's stuff is well under way. It still feels strange to do, but it is not as bad as a few weeks ago. I just put my head down and go on, knowing it is a necessary part of the grieving process.

We are praying we can get his house on the market at the right time, and before the market gets any softer. It is an ideal place for retirees, outdoor maintence free, and small enough to be cozy, yet with room to expand and do projects in the large unfinished basement. I'd like to get it sold before next summer, so I can wrap this probate process up. It is both mentally and emotionally exhausting!

We are aslo trying to get Christmas underway around here. I finally finished the annual letter I began at Thanksgiving. The kids began wrapping some little gifts today, and Lori and I agreed we'd get a tree and start decorating next weekend. So much we want to do, but so little time and energy.