Summer madness

Summer came, and I barely noticed! I have been so busy with Camp Invention, helping hire a new principal for Canon, and then with projects around home, I have barely taken time to relax yet.
We have contracted to buy this "new" house in a neighborhood closer to my school. So, we packing and are selling our house and moving July 16. As many of you know, we have wanted to live closer to school for a long time, but the cost of the homes over in that BroAdmoor area has been prohibitive. However, due to a series of blessings and the current market downturn, we found a fixer upper we can actually afford which will give us a little more room on a much larger lot, and in a one of the best parts of town! God is good...all the time!
And now, the kids and I will have a 1.5 mile commute instead of a 9 mile commute, and Lori's commute will be shorter, too. We will have deer and bears in the yard, on a very quiet street. We have a wooded area behind the house, and over 1/3 acre lot. Lots of room for kids and Tanner ( who, by the way, is now 40 lbs.!)
Although our "new" house ( see picture above!) is actually 40 years old, it has character, and with a little TLC, some cosmetic improvements, and a lot of landscape work, should be as good as new by maybe 2010! Yes, I said A LOT of landscape work. Anyone have a week or two free later this summer or a weekend in the fall and want to help?
Please pray for finalizing the sale on our current house, and that closings on both ends will go smoothly. And pray that our new home will be place blessed with love and laughter, and used by God as a location of warmth and hospitality for all whom God brings into our lives.
This is the new kitchen in the "new" house. It was remodeled recently. The stairs in the foreground lead to our rec room in the walkout basement. there are also two bedrooms down there, as well as three on the main level.