
an experiment in communication....for family and friends of our blog to "keep in touch" and provide pictures and information about the latest and greatest adventures of Eickhaus. Also see http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/person.aspx?tid=831833&pid=-2042210641&pg=0

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Men in the White Suits Paid Us a Visit Today!

We had a swarm of honeybees gather in our neighbor's tree just to the west of our house on Thursday. I called a parent we had last year at school who happens to be a beekeeper, and the local beekeeping association came and collected them. Actually, they sucked them right out of the tree with a modified shop vac. This way, the bees can go on making honey in a productive hive in a safer place, and no one got stung, which was the best part!

Photos all courtesy of Anna Eick

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Pike Peak or Bust Rodeo Parade

Yesterday evening Anna and I went to the Pikes Peak of Bust Rodeo Parade downtown, which kicks off...you guessed it...the Pikes Peak of Bust Rodeo, a major Colorado Springs summer tradition!
Wes & Lori didn't go because they were exhausted froma day at Cub Scout day camp.

And yes, even Elvis made an appearance, but MJ was no where to be seen!

Anna would like to ride in this parade someday!

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