Today, I got to go to one of my daughter's riding lesson. It was the first one I had the chance to go to in several months. She has been learning to canter, among other things. As a bonus, today was a beautiful fall day to be out "horsing around" at the stables. It was truly theraputic for both the mind and the soul. Between the three dogs, two cats and half a dozen horses there on five acres, you can really feel a world away...
An update on the hand progress...I have been in physical theraphy three times a week for three weeks now...I still cannot make a fist, but I am making progress. I gained about 4 degrees in flexibility between my last two appointments, and was at 72 degrees. ( It is supposed to be 100-110) With a little luck and time, perhaps I will be back to normal by the end of October. Although some swelling remains, the pain is minimal now, except when I excerise it in PT or when the weather is getting ready to change, as it is today.